What's your dream vacation?

mindset vision Dec 04, 2023
Scott & I and Lincoln & I

Most people invest in real estate for financial freedom.  To be more specific freedom of time, to do WHAT you want, WHEN you want, with WHO you want.  This is a 3-part article which in this one I will cover the top 3 desired uses of this time.  


Today we will discuss one of the favorites which is traveling!  I love to travel, do you?  


Our planet has so many beautiful countries, cultures, and landscapes it’s hard to see and experience it all, but we can try.  What’s your ideal trip?   

๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿน Is it lying on the beach with a margarita in hand?   

๐ŸŒ„ Maybe it’s hiking through the mountains? 

๐Ÿ›ณ๏ธ Or are you more of a cruise ship person?  
There’s no wrong answer here because it’s personal to YOU. 


I have found it beneficial to sit alone and imagine what this looks like to the details of where, the temperature, who is with me, the pace of the trip, the purpose of the trip, etc.  This can also be written down and made part of your vision.  Doing this can help pull us towards our goals and get us through the tough times in business.  


I’ve been able to achieve this faster because I keep my expenses low and my predictable cash flow from my mobile home high!   



I’d love to hear about your ideal travel or maybe you already have one plannedโ“ 

For me, it’s a flight to Philadelphia which I will visit with my big brother for a few hours followed by cousins and my second cousin.  The next day my beautiful Erin and I will start driving to Denver, CO.  We do not have much time during this drive, which is not my ideal way to travel, but we will stop at the Arch in St. Louis which is one of my favorite monuments and will be Erin’s first time visiting it.   


The picture is of my second cousin Lincoln & my big brother Scott. 

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