Unlock Your True Freedom This 4th of July 🇺🇸

education freedom mindset Jun 04, 2024
Happy 4th of July

Happy Birthday, America! 🇺🇸


America represents freedom, which I believe we all desire. However, freedom comes in different forms and levels. It can be defined by the government’s laws, our actions, and our thoughts.


🇺🇸Government Freedom


Government freedom is influenced by being informed and voting. My intention is not to discuss political sides, but to point out that polarization has slowed our progress and created a stressful environment. If you think our freedoms are limited by government regulations, I urge you to visit countries outside the EU and Canada. However, consider where your line is for what we should do right without government intervention. By returning to true morals and treating others the way we want to be treated, many laws could become unnecessary.


🎇Freedom Through Action


The freedom we create through our actions is completely in our control! Yes, some people have it easier or harder, but it's still within your power. This is where hard work comes in to control your freedom's outcome. Most of us want TIME freedom, which is to be WHERE you want, WHEN you want, with WHO you want. I call this Lifestyle Freedom. I've achieved this through investing in Mobile Homes, which is why I'm passionate about teaching others. I want YOU to achieve this same freedom, but you must put in the work and take ACTION with the knowledge you gain. If you live in America, you have the freedom to take this action. Don’t squander this opportunity!


🎆Freedom of Thought


Freedom of thought is the key to true happiness. It's beyond fancy cars, houses, and travel. It's about being happy in stillness with your own thoughts. For me, this has been the most challenging aspect of freedom because of the negative stories I've told myself. My morning routine, including meditation and yoga, helps free my mind. Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning, said:


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”


Frankl stayed positive even in a concentration camp when his other freedoms were stripped away.


Through my journey of meditation, yoga, and solitude, I've become a happier person. This doesn’t mean I was unhappy before, but that there are higher levels of happiness.


As we approach America’s birthday, I encourage you to reflect on your freedom at different levels and what you will do to be truly free! 


As always, I’m here to help!

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