Mobile Homes give us more time with our loved ones!

freedom Dec 21, 2023

In my last few articles, we’ve discussed deeper reasons behind our real estate investing.  Today I want to discuss the third reason, spending more time with loved ones.


Time is a resource we all have the exact same amount of and many people on their deathbed wish they spent more time with loved ones and less time working. 

We all have different loved ones; friends and family.  I know I wish I spent more time with my friends and family. They are spread around the country and even the world which is one reason I enjoy traveling.  I used to think I needed to work really hard in my business so one day I would have all this extra time to spend with the people I love along my journey instead of “someday when.”  


As I’m writing this, I’m on a walk along a cemetery filled with people who no longer have the time with their loved ones which is a wonderful reminder to make the phone call, send a text, book a flight, or plan a road trip. Personally, I much rather have memories and experiences with friends and family than a fancy car. 


At some point in our life, we have that impactful friend who passes away much sooner than we believe they should have earlier this year. My good friend Bill passed away younger than me. I was sad and still miss him dearly, but I am so grateful I chose to spend time with him in the early mornings talking or even a late-night phone call.  Years ago, I would’ve chosen to work in my business over those conversations which would have ended in regret. 


I could keep going on and on this topic, but I believe I’ve given enough stories for you to sit with your own thoughts for a few minutes. ๐Ÿค”


Do you have a loved one you feel the nudge to text or callโ“

Who have you put off seeing until you had a larger plan to do something fancy togetherโ“


I hope you’re enjoying your holiday season with your loved ones. This is my first holidays not in Plant City with my parents, but I plan to FaceTime as we open his gifts. I will be in Denver with my beautiful Erin! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜

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