A different way to think about Wealth

mindset Sep 07, 2023

Wealth is financial assets that haven’t yet been converted into the stuff you see.  For a lot of us wealth helps create peace of mind.  When we see people with the nice cars, houses, boats, and social media pictures we assume they are wealthy.  But we are actually seeing their ability to spend money or take on debt.  We have no idea what their balance sheet looks like.  We have no idea if they have positive cashflow or money in the bank. 

Wealth is hidden because it’s what’s NOT spent.  This is why it can be very difficult to see in people we look up to.  Imagine if we all posted pictures of nice things we wanted but did not buy.  “I almost bought this nice car but I decided to be wealthy instead” That’s not sexy to the social media world, but it is how I believe we should think in order to have the freedom wealth provides. 

Wealth is an option not yet taken to buy something later.  It is the freedom to control one’s life to be where he/she desires, when he/she desires to be, and with who he/she desires to be with.  Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays! 


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